Wine Cinque 5 Stelle Prosecco 750ml
Italian Prosecco is a type of sparkling wine that originates from the northeastern region of Italy, specifically the regions of Veneto and Friuli-Venezia Giulia. It is made mainly with the Glera grape. Cinque Stelle Prosecco is known for its light, floral flavors, which are complemented by its delicate bubbles. It shows a pale golden color and shines with elegant effervescence.
This fresh and clean wine has hints of sweetness on the palate but with a dry finish framed by earthy touches. Cinque Stelle Prosecco is a crowd pleaser, with its floral aromas, balanced sweetness and refreshing acidity. This wine pairs well with a variety of foods such as seafood, salads, light pasta dishes, sushi and cheeses. It also makes a great appetizer and can be enjoyed alone. It is a perfect wine for informal occasions, brunches and outdoor gatherings.