Wine Cinque 5 Stelle White Moscato 750ml

Cinque Stelle Moscato is a sweet wine, with medium to low acidity, made in Italy from Muscat grapes. It is a wine with a light and sweet body, with flavors of tropical fruits and a low alcohol content of 6% alcohol by volume. It is the public’s favorite because it is a very easy wine to drink. Moscato pairs well with a variety of foods such as fish, pork loin, barbecue pork, chicken, turkey, duck, shrimp, crab, and lobster. It also pairs excellent with a variety of cheeses.

Cinque Stelle Moscato is best served chilled, around 45°F, which is colder than most white wines. It is also best served in a white wine glass designed to keep the wine fresh and enhance the aromas and flavors.

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